Artist at the Centenaire de la Société des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur

Melanie is proud to be a featured artist for the 100 year Celebration of the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor. This event is with the support of the Military Governor of Paris, and the patronage of the President Emmanuel Macron. She is representing the tradition of sculpture and the transmission of it’s values and heritage.

More information on the SMLH available here (in French) :

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Melanie Furtado
Honorary Signature Member of Canadian Federation of Artists

The Canadian Federation of Artists has invited me to join as Honorary Senior Member in 2021. I look forward to supporting them in providing more opportunities for sculptors in Canada!

The mission of the FCA is to advance the knowledge and appreciation of art and culture to all Canadians, offering education, exhibition and communication in the Visual Arts, and to support and promote emerging to professional member artists.

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Melanie Furtado